The Story of the Romanian Tyre Protection Solution

Our story began at the beginning of the year 1998. Curiosity and passion for chemistry determined us to conquer a challenge – a product that betters the intrinsic characteristic of tyres – the TYRE PROTECTION SOLUTION!!
The idea wasn’t a new one! It appeared at the same times as tyres. Apart from their clear qualities as elastic chambers under pressure that cushion shocks, tyres had an issue to deal with – they were exposed to flats!
Progress means applying new and better ideas, and this is how the ANTI-FLATS solutions appeared! Innovation is the standard rule in developing our products!
After many experiments in our laboratories, as well as in the field, in endurance conditions, we came up with a product PATENTED both nationally and internationally!

Initially it was called X-Treme Tyre Protection! And because it became a product that was ’’asking” for its own personality, since 2008 it became FAKIR TYRE PROTECTION, brand registered Nationally at OSIM (State Office for Patents and Brands) and Internationally at OHIM (Office for harmonization in the internal market-Trade Marks and Designs).

The idea of the new brand arrived when we were making a demonstration on how the product works and we were ’’accused” of „fakirism and paranormal activity”. It seemed unbelievable that a tyre could stand on its own „feet” after passing a real bursh made of nails. As time passed, the product became better and better, increasing its lifespan, resisting to harsher conditions (high pressures and temperatures, repeated centrifugal motions, oxidating environments) – until it became invincible.

We were the most demanding „clients”. We have tested the product in our own laboratories, as well as accredited independent laboratories, we’ve watched it in operations, to convinge ourselves first and foremost of the capabilities of this product. We want to develop a durable business, offering our customers and trustworthy product.

A special feeling was created by getting involved in CYCLING. For us, here we found a concurential market. And we proved we are very good! It’s not just us saying it, but also our collaborators.

„Fakir never dissapointed, on the contrary, it completely replaced the traditional foreign companies that we worked with before descovering and testing Fakir” – Catalin Spranceana,Team Manager Dinamo BikeXpert Superbet.

Together with cyclists we have developed a product for cyclists! Together with the MausBike club from Galati we have tested and developed, in maximum endurance conditions, the tyre protection solutions for bycicles.

„My story begins a long time ago, when wheels were tubed and you got so bored of getting flats, and, after getting bored of getting bored, you would still get 3 more flats […] Life made it somehow that I met Valentina and we started working together. To each his own: I was great at getting flat tyres, she was great at searching for solutions to prevent them or repair them instantly.” – Ionascu Marius (Maus), Team Manager si Owner MausBike

In this world of cycling, for us Fakir isn’t just a business! It is the spirit of the Free Man, Tenacious and Passionate about escaping in the nature! The contests where we have participated as sponsors have brought us every time closer to this spirit. Fakir Tyre Protection is TOGETHER WITH THE DAREDEVILS!

After 20 years of experience in fabricating tyre protection solutions, we can say that it is a tradition!

Experience has transformed us in to professionals!